Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Midnight Train to Los Angeles

This year AMTRAK turned 40! So when I realized that I would be able to attend Blog World Expo 2011 in downtown Los Angeles, I decided to travel by train from Tucson, AZ to Los Angeles Union Station.  Round trip ticket (1000 miles) for a reserved coach class seat (which totally reclines like a La-z-Boy), sans meals, was $70.

Leaving Tucson

Have you ever traveled a long distance by AMTRAK? I have. Every trip is slightly different. This trip I was traveling solo, so I didn't have children to wrangle or a mother-in-law to assist or a husband to convince that he should not opt to disembark from the train three states early!  It was just me and a few hundred other travelers who were taking the Sunset Limited / Texas Eagle from Tucson to Los Angeles.  The train was to leave Tucson at 10:30PM, but on November 3, 2011, it really was the midnight train to Los Angeles!

Palm Springs Wind Farm
Los Angeles Union Station
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Anonymous said...

Judy, sounds fun actually! when we lived in St. Louis a few years back we used to take the train to Chicago for the weekend to shop and eat! I made the trip several times, but one of the best was when my best friend from Birmingham, Alabama drove up to St. louis with her three girls and we boarded the Amtrak train with my oldest daughter and off we went to the 'big city.' The girls were indeed enchanted by the train trip and my friend and I enjoyed relaxing versus driving! It was slow, but fun and the girls, some seven years later, still recall their big trip to Chicago! Thanks for reminding me that train travel can be great!

Judy Helfand said...

I love hearing your memories about taking the train to Chicago. We once had a 6-7 hour layover at Chicago Union Station. It was quite early in the morning. First we ventured out for breakfast and then I took the boys to the top of the SEARS Tower.
My children still recall these trips. As do I.

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